THE LESS – Alternative/Cold wave/Post-punk


kontakt, management:
tel.kom. 729835520

The Less powstał w 1987 roku. Po 23 latach przerwy w graniu, grupa reaktywowała się w oryginalnym składzie z ubiegłego wieku. Tworzy muzykę z pogranicza cold wave i post punk, nie stroniąc od elektroniki z lekką nutą dekadencji.

The Less was formed in 1987. At that time, young musicians were inspired by the music of The Cure, Joy Division and Bauhaus. Played the gigs at the club scenes of Polish cities and the festivals of independent music.

History turned out, that for 23 years they haven’t played together. However, in 2014 the group has been reactivated in the original lineup from the last century. The last two years The Less played a dozens of well-received concerts.

Their music has evolved, now it’s a combination of cold wave, post punk, electronics and krautrock.

The Less are:

Maciej Trybuchowski – guitar, vocal

Marek Szpyra – bass

Wojtek Kwaśniewski – keyboards

Alex Chrul – drums

Poprzedni artykułMAREK SITARSKI
Następny artykułZapraszamy do współpracy


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